Ave our faithful,
we have prepared a competiton for You. In this competition, the prices will be our brand new CD „Jizva Války“ and more valuable prices like a t-shirt and key rings of our band Sezarbil. To win you just must answer our question, which is: How many hours did recording of our new CD „Jizva Války“ took ???
Rules of the competition: Time span of hours is 42-72
First and closest answer will get a new CD „Jizva Války“.
Second closest answer will get a Sezarbil t-shirt.
Third closest will get Sezarbil key rings.
Please, write your answers to comments on Facebook and Instagram. The winner will be declared 7.2. 2022.
If you will manage to answer the precise number of hours, you will also get free tickets to our concert, which will happen in music club Melodka on 2.4. 2022.
We are looking forward to your answers!
Ave and all in black!
Lord Sezarbil, Mon, 7.Feb 2022, 13:04
Ave Komáre děkujeme za odpověď ale není přesná

Komaar, Sun, 6.Feb 2022, 0:18
66 hodin.
Dal bych 666, ale taková možnost není.